According to the British "New Scientist" magazine in all primates, artificial environment of the orangutan in the intellectual experiment the highest score. Orangutans in the wild, will rely on their intelligence to the "invention" of complex feeding technology, sometimes it comes to the use of tools, they can even use the tool most other rainforest inhabitants are not food. They are also great imitators, can learn skills from other animals, including how to use the tool. But can you believe it, the orangutans will not only use tools, but also to humans, like painting.

To raise funds to protect gorillas, "to protect orangutans Trust Foundation" (GAT) has announced the completion of a group of gorillas have created painting. Although these painting techniques and presentation of content is very abstract, but still get the praise of many well-known painters.
1 the orangutan Kangzi creation painting
This is the author by a Mingjiaokangzi orangutan painting, only orangutans also the name of this piece of life.Kangzi was born in 1980, his name in Swahili means "national treasure". Kangzi be seen as a gorilla can only truly understand human language, their IQ is at least the equivalent of two and a half children. He also has the skills of making stone tools.

2, orangutan Kono oil paintings
The orangutan Kono oil paintings

Kono than an adult female gorilla, was born in 1979 in Nebraska, USA Henry - Duo Erli Zoo, and in 2005 moved to the new home of the great apes Trust. In the future, she may also become one of the gorilla language project. Her hobby is jumping up and down to show off in front of the tourists.

3, orangutan disk classes Vanessa works
The orangutan disk classes Vanessa works

Disk classes Vanessa is a 23-year-old orangutan. And her brother Kangzi disk classes Vanessa does not need special training with language comprehension. Her language ability to understand and tool production capacity in all primates of the the great apes Trust Foundation is the most prominent. Currently, she is receiving verbal communication, dialogue decomposition as well as spoken conversation, other aspects of skills training.

4, disk classes Vanessa oil paintings
A disk classes Vanessa creative painting

Disk classes Vanessa is a 23-year-old orangutan. And her brother Kangzi disk classes Vanessa does not need special training with language comprehension. Her language ability to understand and tool production capacity in all primates of the the great apes Trust Foundation is the most prominent. Currently, she is receiving verbal communication, dialogue decomposition as well as spoken conversation, other aspects of skills training.

5, painter and chimpanzees together to create the painting
Together to create a painting of the painter with a chimpanzee

It is co-authored by Pennsylvania artist Hugh - Buck and Kono than painting. Kono than an adult female gorilla, was born in 1979 in Nebraska, USA Henry - Duo Erli Zoo, and in 2005 moved to the new home of the great apes Trust. In the future, she may also become one of the gorilla language project. Her hobby is jumping up and down to show off in front of the tourists.

6, orangutans Na Yueta works
The orangutan Na Yueta works

Na Yueta the disk classes Vanessa son, 10 years old this year. Great apes Trust are by Na Yueta to study the impact of the language and culture of the second generation of orangutans living in a bicultural environment.

7, orangutan disk classes Vanessa works
The orangutan disk classes Vanessa works

Disk classes Vanessa is an artist of the year the apes help apes "Exhibition in the most high yield. Disk classes Vanessa is a 23-year-old orangutan. And her brother Kangzi disk classes Vanessa does not need special training with language comprehension. Her language ability to understand and tool production capacity in all primates of the the great apes Trust Foundation is the most prominent. Currently, she is receiving verbal communication, dialogue decomposition as well as spoken conversation, other aspects of skills training.

Disk classes Vanessa painting
The disk classes Vanessa a works

Disk classes Vanessa is an artist of the year the apes help apes "Exhibition in the most high yield. Disk classes Vanessa is a 23-year-old orangutan. And her brother Kangzi disk classes Vanessa does not need special training with language comprehension. Her language ability to understand and tool production capacity in all primates of the the great apes Trust Foundation is the most prominent. Currently, she is receiving verbal communication, dialogue decomposition as well as spoken conversation, other aspects of skills training.

9, the paintings of artists and orangutans co-authoring
Paintings of artists and orangutans co-authoring

This painting is a co-creator of human artists and orangutans artists painting. Three creators are off - Buck, Gorilla the waves He and Katie. Wave of 37-year-old and 19-year-old Katie He is recently retired from the entertainment the old Ming "Planet of the Apes." Wave He is of bird famous gorilla in the movie 30 years ago, the "ghost Ma Jingang one-armed fist actor.

10, artist and co-authoring painting orangutan
Paintings of artists and orangutans co-authoring

Hugh - co-creator Buck gorilla Kono ratio and azithromycin painting. The red part is completed by Buck, the black part of the orangutans' handwriting. Kono than an adult female gorilla, was born in 1979 in Nebraska, USA Henry - Duo Erli Zoo, and in 2005 moved to the new home of the great apes Trust. In the future, she may also become one of the gorilla language project. Her hobby is jumping up and down to show off in front of the tourists.

11, the orangutan Kangzi author the painting
The orangutan Kangzi the oil paintings

Kangzi was born in 1980, his name in Swahili means "national treasure". Kangzi be seen as a gorilla can only truly understand human language, their IQ is at least the equivalent of two and a half children. He also has the skills of making stone tools.